Welcome & Vision of EM explained 부서소개 및 비전
The Church is not the building. The Church is comprised of people who come together to worship the Heavenly Father, allow Jesus Christ’s truth to empower, equip, encourage, and enable enable us to impact the world, and live with the Holy Spirit guiding us to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth. In the Church, we learn to become His children and ambassadors.
During Sunday worship, God’s presence, His Shekinah Glory is our focal point. We worship and focus on Him while building up the body and the community through fellowship and outreach.
시온한인연합감리교회 청년·대학부는 새벽이슬과 같은 청년들이 일어나 지역과 나라와 온 열방의 회복을 위해 기도하며 섬기는 공동체 입니다.
하나님을 뜨겁게 사랑하고, 이웃과 풍성히 나누며, 서로를 온 맘으로 돌보는 이 시대의 희망이 되는 공동체로 설 것입니다.